
It is disappointing to invest money in a high-quality television set only to find that the view is less than great when it is set up in your living room. There are some practical tips for better viewing angle, and the best spot for your set really does depend on the size that you buy. Before you spend more money on fancy wall-mounts or customized installation services, consider the following regarding the best place to position your TV:

Placement height.

Don't hang or mount TVs above your line of vision if you were standing in the space; this will make you feel like you are constantly looking up to see the screen. It is better to lower the position so that it falls in a comfortable field of vision when seated in the living room, or other area of the home that you watch TV.

Viewing distance.

Some online calculators will predetermine the best distance to sit from your TV based on size, typically, you don't want to be more than ten-feet away from the screen regardless of the size.

Inherent obstacles.

One of the biggest obstacles that you may find when positioning your TV set is your fireplace. Don't make the mistake of hanging the TV above your fireplace, as this is too high for long-term viewing comfort (prepare for a stiff neck) and the heat from the fireplace can damage your set over time. While there are some pricey gadgets that will allow you to pull the set down as desired for viewing, it is better to choose another wall in the room for your set.

Best seat.

You should be aware the the best spot for watching an LCD television of any size is directly in the center of the screen. If you have arranged the furniture around the TV, the best seat in the house is going to be the one that lines up straight with your set.

Bigger isn't always better, and if you are poorly positioning your set in your living space, it won't matter what the screen size is. If you are unhappy with the image or viewing experience of your TV, check the settings and be sure to calibrate the factory settings to suit the placement of your set when you install it or if you happen to move it at some point. This could make a big difference in the image, color, sound, and overall quality of the viewing experience.