Many homeowners automatically replace cords when they break or become frayed due to overuse, animals chewing on them, or some type of accident. However, this isn't always necessary. Knowing some quick fixes for cords can save both time and money as long as they are low-voltage. Examples include those attached to headphones, gaming consoles, and phone charging stations.

Some simple tips to repair these types of cords include:

  • Place vinyl tubing over the cords and cut a slit down one side of the tubing. This keeps curious pets from munching on them.
  • Remove the small wire from a ballpoint pen and wrap it around the end of a cord. This prevents fraying and increases the longevity of the cord.
  • Purchase spiral wrap and place it around one cord or a group of cords.
  • Weld cords that have come apart back together with a plastic type of welding material found in any hardware store. This requires cleaning the cord, applying the material, and using the LED light that came with the kit to force the welding material to harden.
  • Apply two coats of liquid paint to a frayed or cracked cord and allow it to dry. It should be as good as new.
  • Protect cords by keeping them out of walking paths. This also prevents people from accidentally tripping on them.
  • Encase all loose cords with heat shrink tubing. To do so, cut two pieces of one and one-quarter inch shrink-wrap tubing. Next, place silicon adhesive over the point where the connectors and cords meet. Once the silicon dries, it's time to place tubing on the cord that covers both ends where it meets the connectors.

Low-voltage cords can last for several years by following these easy repair and maintenance tips.