Five Ways to Store Your Winter Produce from Your Garden

Now that it's time to harvest the vegetables from your garden, you need to know how to properly store your produce for the winter. Here are five tips that will help you with that.

1. Store Blemish-Free Produce in a Cool, Dark Place

Produce, such as winter squash, can be stored for two to six months as long as it is free of any kind of blemishes. Try to grow or buy a lot of these vegetables and store them in a container someplace cool and dark. They should keep for most of the winter and be ready to prepare when you're ready to eat it.

2. Store Apples for Three to Five Months

The fall season is the perfect time to harvest apples, especially if you can keep them fresh for most of the winter. Simply wrap each apple in tissue paper and store it in a cool place away from freezing temperatures. Keep like varieties together for best results (McIntosh apples are perfect for this storage method).

3. Store Sweet Potatoes for Four to Six Months

The best way to keep a crop of sweet potatoes fresh is to take a large flower pot from your garden, fill it with dirt and your potatoes, and store it at room temperature.

4. Store Your Potatoes for Up to Nine Months

To keep your potatoes ready to eat for up to nine months, line a laundry basket with paper and place a layer of potatoes on them. You can stack a few layers of potatoes as long as you separate each layer with another sheet of paper and leave enough room for air circulation. They will keep in an unheated basement or garage for the winter.

5. Store Carrots for Two Months

Carrots will remain edible for two months if you cut the leafy tops off and place them in a ziplock bag with just a drop or two of water. Make sure you label the bag so you know how long you have to eat the carrots, and keep them in the back of your refrigerator.