Things to Look for in a Convection Microwave Oven

Many households have grown accustomed to the convenience of having a microwave oven in their household, but only a few have taken advantage of the benefits offered by a convection microwave oven. The difference between a regular microwave oven and a convection microwave oven is its ability to brown food and make it crisp, similar to that of a conventional oven. If you're in the market for a convection microwave oven, below are some things to look for.

Food that Can be Cooked Quickly

Although a convection oven is known for its ability to brown and make food crisp, it should still cook food quickly like other microwave ovens.

Even Hot Air Circulation

A high velocity of forced hot air that evenly circulates throughout the microwave oven.

High Visibility

The interior should have a bright light, which is easy to view through a sizeable window, so that you can check on your food regularly while its cooking.

Large Capacity

The interior should also be large enough to accommodate larger dishes. The clearance should also be large enough on the outside of the dish for proper ventilation. It is recommended that there is at least 5cm on the sides, 10cm at the rear, and 15–40cm above a large dish.

Automatic Features

Automatic features that prompt users to add the type of food being cooked, along with the weight, and can automatically calculate how long the dish needs to cook.

Multiple Levels of Cooking

Multi-stage cooking allows users to program a sequence of different functions at one time during the process.

A convection microwave oven should enhance your cooking experience, so be sure that it comes with these basic features that you should look for when seeking a convection microwave oven.