
Kitchen appliances are something that should be purchased with thought and care, as these are home staples that will typically be used regularly. When shopping for kitchen appliances, consumers should pay heed to the needs of the household and their lifestyle and recognize that these purchases are actually home investments. Even when shopping on a very restrictive budget or when looking to score a bargain, there are some approaches to appliance shopping that will yield quality appliances at a reduced cost.

Some ways to save money when replacing appliances in the home include these strategies:

Bundling appliances.

It can make a significant difference in cost to bundle appliances, and buy more than one item from the retailer at the same time. Figure out the appliance needs, and try to predict imminent future needs, and replace dated or worn appliances before it becomes a crisis situation.

Manufacturer rebates.

Ask retailers about which manufacturers are offering appliance rebates. This can provide a hefty check in the mail or instant cost-cut when buying specific models within an allotted time frame.

Tax-time sales.

Tax-time sales begin in January and typically run until early spring of each year, coordinating with the time that many shoppers get back their tax returns. This coincidentally may also be the time when manufacturers begin releasing new models, making the prices drop on the hold-over units.

Gently used options.

There is always the option of buying a second-hand appliance. This may be the most practical approach when something unexpected occurs with a major home appliance and money is tight. Many appliance retailers have some used models for sale, and this may be the safest way to go in terms of warranty and potential for returns.

Don't buy appliances with only cost in mind. Since these are something that will be used each and every day, and that the household relies on to function, it is important to consider the capacity, features, and efficiency of the appliances, too. Use these strategies to get good deals on quality appliances that will be used for years to come.