What to Look for in a Top Load Washer

As its name implies, a top load washer is one where you load clothes from the top rather than the front. Before you bring a new washer home, it's important to check to make sure you have the right washer and dryer hook-ups. You then need to consider how much space you have available for your new appliance. Be sure to measure the space and then check the dimensions of the new top load wash machine to ensure it will fit into the space properly.

Save Money with a Highly Efficient Top Load Washer

A high spin speed and an Energy Star label are two things that make a top load washer especially efficient. The reason is that the washer extracts more water from your clothes before you transfer them to the clothes dryer. It's also helpful to use high-efficiency laundry soap that produces fewer suds.

Pay Attention to Cycle and Water Temperature Options

Washing your clothes in cold water also saves money, so be certain your new machine has this option. You will also want to have a setting for delicate items. You may or may not need other setting options, depending on your pattern of washing clothes.

How Big is Your Typical Load of Laundry?

If you have a large family and prefer to wash as many clothes as you can at one time, you will want to choose a top load washer with a larger capacity. The same is true if you regularly wash blankets, comforters, and other bulky bedding items. You can probably get by with a smaller capacity washer if you live alone or with one other person and wash large items infrequently.

Do Your Homework and Compare Brands

Many websites exist that allow consumers to review major purchases such as a new appliance. You may also want to check safety ratings with the Consumer Product Safety Division—and you can always ask us to help you out with brand comparison!